Civil Law

8 Questions and Answers About Breach of Civil Duties

1. What is civil duty breach?

Civil duty breach occurs when one person or organization fails to fulfill the obligation or standard of care due to another and causes injury or damage. Such duties may arise from legislation, contract, or social conventions.

2. What are some examples of civil duties?

Negligence: Drivers have to drive responsibly.

Professional Obligations: Doctors must take proper care of patients.

Property Maintenance: Property owners shall ensure that it is safe to visit.

Contractual Duties: The parties to a contract shall perform an agreed duty.

3. What is a breach of duty under the law?

To prove civil duty breach, the plaintiff has to prove;

Existence of Duty: The existence of an acknowledged duty was present.

Breaching of Duty: The respondent did not attain the expected level.

Causation: Breach resulted in harm or injuries.

Damages: Actual loss or injury was caused by the breach.

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4. What is the “standard of care”?

The standard of care is that degree of care, caution, and judgment that a reasonable person would exercise under similar circumstances. The standard varies with the facts, the persons involved, and local law.

5. What are common defenses against a breach of duty claim?

No Duty Owed: The defendant did not owe a duty to the plaintiff.

No Breach: The defendant fulfilled the duty.

Contributory Negligence: The conduct of the plaintiff themselves contributed to the harm

Assumption of Risk: The plaintiff assumed the known risk involved in an activity.

6. What Damages Are Available to a Victim Who Suffered Breach of Duty?

Compensatory Damages

medical costs;

wages loss or

damaged property repair.

Non-Economic Damages


suffering or

emotional distress.

Punitive Damages: To vindicate egregious misconduct (in some situations).

7. How long does the statute of limitations last for a breach of duty lawsuit?

This varies depending on your jurisdiction’s statute of limitations. Generally, all lawsuits for personal injury must be brought within 2–3 years, but contract disputes sometimes have longer or shorter statutes of limitation. Consult an attorney about any specific filing time limits that may apply to your circumstances.

8. Do I need an attorney for a breach of duty claim?

While it’s possible to pursue minor claims independently, complex cases often require legal expertise. An attorney can help gather evidence, navigate legal procedures, and advocate for your rights effectively.

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