Constitutional Law

10 Essential Questions About Fundamental Rights and Duties

Fundamental Rights

What are Fundamental Rights?

Describe the concept and importance of Fundamental Rights in a constitutional setup.

Why are Fundamental Rights indispensable to a democracy?

Describe how these rights guarantee freedom and equality to individuals.

Which of the following are six Fundamental Rights granted by the Indian Constitution?

Discuss each of these rights: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies.

How do Fundamental Rights safeguard the citizen from actions by the state?

Explain how such rights constitute a limitation to the exercise of arbitrary powers of the state.

Are Fundamental Rights capable of being limited or abrogated? If so, in what situations?

Explain this by way of discussing events like a proclamation of a national emergency.

Read Also:

What is the significance of the Right to Constitutional Remedies?

This right has been termed the “heart and soul” of the Indian Constitution, opined Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Explain why.

How are Fundamental Rights enforced in court?

Outline the process of approaching courts to protect or restore these rights when violated.

Fundamental Duties

What are Fundamental Duties, and why were they added to the Constitution?

Delve into their origin, significance, and inclusion through the 42nd Amendment.

What are the key Fundamental Duties listed in Article 51A of the Indian Constitution?

Highlight duties like respecting the Constitution, promoting harmony, and protecting the environment.

How do Fundamental Duties supplement Fundamental Rights?

Explain how rights and duties are related. Highlight the importance of the balance between individual liberties and collective responsibilities.

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